Josefina Trotta-搜索结果

  • 欢愉之书 O Livro dos Prazeres


    导演:Marcela Lordy   编剧:Josefina Trotta, Marcela Lordy

    主演:西蒙娜·斯波拉多, 哈维尔·多罗拉斯, 菲利普·罗恰, Gabriel Stauffer, 玛莎·诺维尔, Teo Almeida, 莱昂德拉·利尔, Julia Leal Youssef, 安娜·卡尔巴蒂, Fernanda Chicolet, Rafael Delgado

      Lóri, a free spirited and a1rac3ve teacher, leads an ero3c life of love affairs, taking charge of her own desires and needs, whilst knowingly avoiding any a1achments.

  • 我叫巴格达 Meu nome é Bagdá


    导演:卡鲁·阿尔维斯·德·索扎   编剧:卡鲁·阿尔维斯·德·索扎, Josefina Trotta, Toni Brandão

    主演:Grace Orsato, Karina Buhr, Marie Maymone, Helena Luz, Nick Batista, William Costa, João Paulo Bienemann, Gilda Nomacce, Paulette Pink, Emílio Serrano

      A film from the skater world of São Paulo, where it is women who call the shots. Bagdá is surrounded by self-confident role models in her family. However, outside on the streets, in the venues and clubs, the old machismo continues to dominate. Bagdá and her fellow comrades-in-arms confront it defiantly.